Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia family Fact Sheet


Alternative names: Not Applicable

Trees or shrubs, deciduous or evergreen; leaves alternate, pinnate or rarely simple (outside S.Aust.), entire or toothed, petiolate, exstipulate.

Flowers bisexual, regular, in axillary cymose panicles; sepals 3-6, free or fused; petals usually 3-6, usually free, valvate or variously overlapping; filaments fused to form a tube; anthers 3-12, dehiscing longitudinally, 2-locular; ovary superior, 2-5-celled, surrounded at the base by a disk or not, with 1 or 2 axile ovules in each cell; style simple; stigma capitate or discoid.

Fruit a drupe or rarely a capsule; seeds with or without endosperm.

Distribution:  About 50 genera and 1,400 species in warm parts of the world.

Biology: Swietenia mahogani L. is the true mahogany.

Key to Genera:
1. Deciduous; leaves 2- or 3-pinnate
1. Evergreen; leaves once pinnate

Author: Prepared by J.P. Jessopt

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