Key to Acacias of South Australia

1 (1) Mature leaves reduced to phyllodes or not developed at all Goto 2
(2) Leaves all bipinnate 38
2 (1) Phyllodes either absent (occasional twigs.rarely with a few articulate phyllodes), or continuous with the branches 3
(2) Phyllodes present and articulate on the branches 4
3 (1) Phyllodes normally absent, if present then articulate on branch; flowers 3-8 per head A. spinescens
(2) Phyllodes present, continuous with branch; flowers c. 30 per head A. continua
4 (1) Phyllodes innocuous. 5
(2) Phyllodes pungent-pointed. 28
5 (1) Phyllodes to 2 cm long. 6
(2) Phyllodes 2-12 cm long. 16
6 (1) Branchlets spinescent. 7
(2) Branchlets not spinescent. 8
7 (1) Branchlets hairy; phyllodes n .arrow-cuneate, humped at the summit A. acanthoclada
(2) Branchlets glabrous; phyllodes broadly lanceolate, never humped A. erinacea
8 (1) Stipules prominent and spiny A. paradoxa
(2) Stipules when present minute and not spiny. 9
9 (1) Shrubs prominently resinous; phyllodes viscid. 10
(2) Shrubs not or sometimes very slightly resinous; phyllodes not viscid, 5-20 mm long. 11
10 (1) Phyllodes fiat, obliquely obovate, 2-5 mm long A. rhetinocarpa
(2) Phyllodes terete-compressed, 1-2 cm long A. helmsiana
11 (1) Phyllodes ovate-oblanceolate to obovate-orbicular. 12
(2) Phyllodes linear or oblong. 14
12 (1) Phyllodes grey-green, heads 20-30 flowered. 13
(2) Phyllodes mid-green; heads 10-15-flowered; peduncles often longer than phyllodes; legumes spirally coiled A. acinacea
13 (1) Peduncles mostly longer than phyllodes, heads 8-10 mm diam A. spilleriana
(2) Peduncles mostly shorter than phyllodes, heads about 5 mm diam A. brachybotrya
14 (1) Branchlets pubescent, almost terete; phyllodes with the vein ~ close to the lower margin A. lineata
(2) Branchlets glabrous, angular. 15
15 (1) Phyllodes erect, imbricate; apex almost truncate except for an oblique mucro A. imbricata
(2) Phyllodes spreading-erect, not imbricate, apex obtuse A. triquetra
16 (1) Branchlets acutely angular, often compressed and winged. 17
(2) Branchlets angular or striate, becoming almost terete, never flattened or winged. 19
17 (1) Phyllodes with obviously reticulate lateral veins; peduncles stout, solitary; heads c. 40-flowered; seeds transversely placed in the legume. 18
(2) Phyllodes without reticulate lateral veins; peduncles slender, 2-4 (rarely 1) per axil; heads 12-20-flowered; seeds longitudinally placed in the legume A. triquetra
18 (1) Phyllodes often glaucous, broadly ovate, 10-35 mm broad, up to twice as long as broad A. anceps var. anceps
(2) Phyllodes never glaucous, linear-oblong, oblanceolate, 5-13 mm broad, 5-12 times longer than broad A. anceps var. angustifolia
19 (1) Branchlets and phyllodes pubescent or becoming glabrous when mature. 20
(2) Branchlets and phyllodes glabrous (young phyllodes minutely pubescent in A. microcarpa). 22
20 (1) Phyllodes always hairy, golden pubescent when young, silky-silvery with more or less appressed hairs when mature, flower-heads mostly shorter than phyllode, longer if common peduncle well developed A. argyrophylla
(2) Phyllodes silky grey hairy when young, becoming glabrous with age. 21
21 (1) Peduncle mostly shorter than phyllode, heads about 5 mm diam A. brachybotrya
(2) Peduncles mostly longer than leaf, heads 8-10 mm diam A. spilleriana
22 (1) Phyllodes terete or if flattened then not exceeding 5 mm broad; apex always uncinate. 23
(2) Phyllodes distinctly flattened, 5-15 mm broad; apex sometimes mucronate, never distinctly uncinate. 25
23 (1) Apex always acute or acuminate. 24
(2) Apex always blunt with two glands at summit, phyllodes often slightly upcurved A. praemorsa
24 (1) Peduncle in axillary racemes commonly 1-4 mm long with 2-4 peduncles rarely greater, rarely solitary A. calamifolia
(2) Peduncles almost always solitary A. nematophylla
25 (1) Branchlets and young phyllodes viscid; phyllodes punctate, apex acute, with up to 4 glands along the upper margin A. dodonaeifolia
(2) Branchlets and phyllodes not viscid, or phyllodes not punctate, apex obtuse, only 1 gland along the upper margin. 26
26 (1) Phyllodes 5-12 cm long, apex mostly obtuse, mid-vein prominent and many fine lateral veins, peduncles < 5 mm A. stricta
(2) Phyllodes to 5 cm long, apex acute or obtuse, mid-vein often obscure, peduncles > 5 mm. 27
27 (1) Phyllode apex obtuse, phyllodes straight or with slight upward cur~e, young tips + glabrous A. microcarpa
(2) Phyllode apex acute, phyllodes slightly recurved, young tips densely pubescent (later glabrous) A. halliana
28 (1) Stipules prominent and spiny. 29
(2) Stipules when present small and not spiny. 30
29 (1) Phyllodes flat, glabrous, rhomboid-orbicular, 1-2 cm long A. strongylophylla
(2) Phyllodes terete, minutely pubescent, 3-6 cm long A. pickardii
30 (1) Phyllodes humped on the upper margin. 31
(2) Phyllodes not humped on the upper margin. 32
31 (1) 1 prominent vein parallel to and near the lower margin; heads whitish-yellow, 20-30-flowered; legumes straight or curved A. gunnii
(2) 1 prominent oblique vein with 2-4 rather obscure veins arising from near the base; heads golden-yellow, 8-15-flowered; legumes spirally coiled A. pravifolia
32 (1) Phyllodes flat, obliquely ovate-orbicular or obovate, 5-15 mm broad, up to twice as long as broad A. merrallii
(2) Phyllodes flat or angular, linear-subulate or linear-lanceolate or narrow-elliptic, 1-5 mm broad, more than twice as long as broad. 33
33 (1) Branchlets resinous; phyllodes viscid (at least when young), 1-2.5 cm long. 34
(2) Branchlets not resinous; phyllodes not viscid, 2-6 cm long. 35
34 (1) Heads c. 20-flowered, creamy-yellow; phyllodes spreading horizontally, broadest at or near the base, viscid A. rupicola
(2) Heads 50-60-flowered, mid-yellow; phyllodes erect or spreading, broadest near the centre, slightly viscid A. maitlandii
35 (1) Phyllodes pubescent A. carnei
(2) Phyllodes glabrous (at least with age). 36
36 (1) Phyllodes usually clustered in groups 2-5, heads c. 50flowered A. tetragonophylla
(2) Phyllodes scattered, not clustered, heads less than c. 20 flowered. 37
37 (1) Heads creamy yellow; phyllodes at right angles to branch, apex tapered A. genistifolia
(2) Heads golden yellow; phyllodes ascending, apex abruptly pungent A. mutabilis
38 (1) Inflorescences simple, solitary or 2-3 together 39
(2) Inflorescence racemose or paniculate 40
39 (1) Stipules prominent, spiny; pinnules 10-21 pairs A. farnesiana
(2) Stipules minute, not spiny, pinnules 2-7 pairs A. mitchellii
40 (1) Branches prominently angled with wing-like ridges A. decurrens
(2) Branches angled or striate but not winged 41
41 (1) Leaves with 2-6 pairs of pinnae A. baileyana
(2) Leaves with 10-26 pairs of pinnae 42
42 (1) Leaf rhachis with a gland at the junction of each pinna pair and with additional glands between the pinna pairs A. mearnsii
(2) Leaf rhachis with a gland at the junction of each pinna pair, without additional glands between A. dealbata