Tall dense, thorny, much branched shrubs 2-5 m high; branchlets nearly terete, striate glabrous or pubescent when young; bark smooth, but slightly fissured at the base, yellowish-green to grey.

Phyllodes variable, lanceolate-oblong, linear to broad-linear or more or less elliptical, straight or falcate, 2-5 cm long, 3-8 mm broad, flat glaucous to light green, 1 prominent central vein and inconspicuous lateral veins, apex acute or obtuse with a short straight or recurved mucro. Glands small near base. Stipules frequent, rigid subulate spiny.

Inflorescences axillary, Peduncles solitary or mostly twin or along elongated raceme axes; flower-heads globular, pale creamy yellow, c. 30-flowered; peduncles slender hoary, 6-15 mm long; flowers 5-merous (sepals free).

Legumes thin and papery, flattish, yellowish-green becoming light brown when mature, 4-8 cm long, 10-13 mm broad, surfaces usually showing the outline of the seed; margins slightly thickened, usually with some constrictions. Seeds transverse in legume almost globular; funicle short, thickened into a small aril.