Erect, small, glaucous shrubs 1-2 m high with a number of thin willowy stems; branchlets smooth, glaucous or mealy white, angular towards the ends but soon becoming terete, often forming small clumps or thickets. Phyllodes obliquely obovate-lanceolate, 8-13 cm long 1.5-5 cm broad, coriaceous, thick, mid-vein prominent, numerous prominent anastomosing secondary veins which turn downwards to meet the margins, margins thickened and vein-like, apex obtuse or with a small oblique point, much contracted at the base into the elongated pulvinus; glands small situated just above the pulvinus.

lnflorescences in axillary glabrous racemes which are sometimes longer than phyllodes, consisting of 5-20 heads; flower-heads golden yellow, 50-75-flowered; peduncles short, thick, c. 5 mm long; flowers 5-merous. Legumes linear, 7-10 cm long, c. 7 mm broad, usually curved, raised over the seeds, margins constricted between the seeds. Seeds longitudinal or slightly oblique in legume; funicle long, encircling the seed in a double fold.