Dense, bushy, rounded, spreading, fragrant shrubs 2-5 m high or a small tree-like habit with a short trunk; branchlets slightly angular and hoary but becoming terete and glabrous on older stems.

Phyllodes narrowly-obovate, oblanceolate, 4-6 cm long, 4-6 mm broad, flat, straight or curved, 3 prominent longitudinal veins and a few less conspicuous, reticulate lateral veins on each face, apex obtuse with a very short point; glands basal not prominent,

Inflorescences in short axillary racemes, raceme axis hoary with 3-6 heads; flower-heads globular, mid-yellow, c. 25-flowered; peduncles hoary, c. 5 mm long; flowers 5-merous.

Legumes linear, 3-5 cm long, c. 3 mm broad, straight or slightly curved, biconvex, acute at both ends; margins slightly constricted between seeds. Seeds longitudinal in legume, obloid-ellipsoid; funicle short, folded a few times below the seed then expanded into a small oblique aril.