Tall shrubs or small trees 3-4 m high with a single trunk or several stems from ground level; branchlets terete, apically resinous-ribbed with sparse appressed pubescence between them, reddish-brown, grey with age.

Phyllodes linear, tapering slightly each end, 8-14 cm long, 1.5-3 mm wide, straight or slightly curved, not rigid, viscid when young, glabrous to sparsely and minutely pubescent, apices delicately hooked, central vein more prominent, lateral veins 3-5, margins resinous; gland basal 1-2 mm above pulvinus.

Inflorescence simple, axillary, solitary; spikes interrupted, yellow, 15 mm long; peduncles 3-4 mm long. Flowers 5-partite.

Legumes linear 345 cm long, 2 mm broad, straight or slightly curved, acute at both ends, flat but raised over seeds slightly constricted between seeds, light brown. Seeds longitudinal oblongoid, light brown, shiny, 3 mm long, 1.5 mm broad; funicle short, folded once or twice and thickened into a whitish aril.