Tall, erect, dull green or slightly glaucous, glabrous and sometimes viscid shrubs, 2-4 m high; occasionally found in suckering clumps; branches ascending, angular, striate with resinous ridges on the young branchlets.

Phyllodes linear-lanceolate to narrow-linear or oblong, 5-12 cm long, 3-15 mm broad, flat, coriaceous, glabrous, central vein prominent and numerous fine lateral veins, apex obtuse, blunt or with a short oblique point; glands near the base.

Inflorescences axillary and twin or in clusters up to 4; flower-heads more or less globular, creamy yellow, 20-30-flowered; peduncles 2-8 mm long, more or less mealy; flowers 5-merous.

Legumes narrow-oblong, straight, 4-7 cm long, 3-5 mm broad, flattish, thin, light brown, apex obtuse or acuminate; margins not constricted. Seeds longitudinal in legume, obloid; funicle short with 2-3 folds and gradually thickening into a fleshy aril.