Tall or somewhat bushy trees 4-8 m high forming a willow-like habit, usually dividing into several stems about 1 m or more above ground level, the long spreading branches become angular and pendulous towards their summits; bark dark grey-brown, rough and fibrous.

Phyllodes linear to broad-linear, 15-40 cm long, 3-7 mm broad, straight or curved, pendulous, coriaceous, rather lax, glabrous or sparsely appressed pubescent, striate with numerous prominent parallel veins (with interstices), the central vein slightly more prominent, apex acute and often hooked; glands basal, inconspicuous.

Inflorescences axillary, occasionally solitary, usually shortly racemose, raceme axis usually pubescent with 2-6 heads; flower-heads globular, yellow, 25-35-flowered; peduncles hoary, 5-8 mm long; flowers 5-merous sepals united.

Legumes moniliform, 10-15 cm long, c. 10 mm broad, straight or curved, not twisted, glabrous slightly rugose and wrinkled over seeds. Seeds longitudinal in legume, ellipsoid; funicle short, aril white and small.