Tall shrubs or small trees 3-6 m high with distinctive long drooping branchlets and pendulous blue-green phyllodes; branchlets slightly angular with a smooth grey bark; bark at the base hard, rough, grey-brown and fissured, often found in groves due to suckering habit.

Phyllodes broad-linear or narrow-oblanceolate, obtuse or slightly acuminate, 4-12 cm long, 4-20 mm broad, flat more or less flaccid, pendulous, 1 central vein, lateral veins numerous obscure; glands small 1 at the apexand usually 1-3 scattered along the upper margin.

Inflorescences axillary and solitary or mostly in racemes which are usually shorter than phyllodes consisting of 2-6 rather distant heads, sometimes appearing paniculate towards the ends of the branchlets; flower-heads globular, pale yellow, 15-25-flowered; flowers 5-merous.

Legumes narrowly oblong, 4-12 cm long c. 10 mm broad, flat or somewhat biconvex, thick woody; margins almost straight. Seeds longitudinal in legume; funicle thickened, usually scarlet, with 3-4 folds beneath the seed.