A shrub to 1.5 m tall, branching freely; branchlets spine tipped, slightly flexuose, pale green, glabrous or with sparse, to 3 mm long, erect hairs. Spines 1-2 at each node, to 8 mm long, one often longer than the other. Stipules to 1 mm long. Petiole (common rachis) to 0.5 mm long with terminal dark brown subspinescent setae; pinna rachis about 5 mm long, flattened and with a few ciliate hairs along its margins, bearing 3-5 pinnae, pinnules 3-4 mm long, 1 mm wide, oblong, glabrous, gland solitary, stipitate, 1-1.5 mm.

Inflorescences mostly simple, solitary from each node; peduncles 10-18 mm long, glabrous; flower-heads, not seen, reported 5-8 mm diam. with 25-40 flowers. Legumes (only one seen 3 cm long) 1.5-5 cm long, 3-5 mm wide, glabrous. Seeds (not seen) reported orbicular to oblong, longitudinal. Funicle filiform swelling to an aril adjacent to the seed.