Shrubs or trees to 10 m high, multi-stemmed or single trunks for about 1 m or more before branching into a few main stems and forming quite dense spreading canopies; branchlets smooth somewhat pruinose, angular and soon becoming terete; bark dark grey, striated and fibrous.

Phyllodes linear, oblong or cultrate, 7-17 cm long, 6-30 mm broad, slightly oblique, straight or falcate, flat, thick, coriaceous, rigid, glaucous, mid-vein prominent with fine reticulate lateral veins, margins thickened and vein-like, apex obtuse; glands basal,

Inflorescences in false racemes with peduncles singly or in pairs, sparsely placed along the long axillary glabrous stalk; flower-heads globular, bright yellow, 55-65-flowered; peduncles 1-3.8 cm long, glabrous; flowers 5-merous.

Legumes stipitate, oblong, 3-10cm long, 9-17 mm broad, flat, but raised over the seeds, coriaceous, pruinose or reddish-brown; margins not constricted between seeds. Seeds transverse or obliquely placed in legume, almost orbicular, blackish; funicle short, filiform, thickening into a small cap-shaped aril.