A shrub 1-2 (-3) m tall, erect, glabrous, suckering. Branchlets and smaller twigs with angular lines commencing below each phyllode. Stipules narrowly triangular to 1.4 mm long, mostly caducous sometimes persistent.

Phyllodes linear, 2-9cm long, l.5-2.5mm wide, flattened, slightly to strongly incurved, soft and flexible, 1-veined with a single vein submerged and not readily visible, some longitudinal wrinkling on drying, apex obliquely terminated by brown resinous gland flanked by two minute stipule-like appendages and exceeded by an eccentric incurved, swollen, short, mucro; basal gland on upper margin, 6-18 mm above the pulvinus.

Inflorescence 1 or rarely 2 reduced racemes per node, 1.5-3.5 mm long. Peduncles 6-12 mm long, glabrous, basal bract solitary and covering young heads. Flower-heads globular, 34-50-flowered, bright lemon yellow, 7.5-9.5 mm diam. Flowers 5-merous.

Legumes linear, straight or slightly curved, flat or twisted, to 13 cm long, 5-8.5 mm wide glabrous, somewhat raised over the seeds and constricted between them. Seeds longitudinal 4.5-6.5 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, aril off-white, extending about half the length of the seed, funicle straight, flat, short.