Dense, glabrous, spreading, light green shrubs 1-2 m high and often 2-3 m across with numerous, terete, ascending, arching branches from just above or at ground level; branchlets glabrous, smooth, reddish-brown; bark thin and pale grey at base of stems.

Phyllodes 1-3.5 cm long, 2-3 mm diam., straight or falcate, terete or somewhat compressed, rigid, thick andfleshy, light green, sub-sessile, veins longitudinal,10-15 rather obscure due to surface becoming wrinkled and grooved when dry, apex ending with a small hard thick mucro.

Inflorescences simple and axillary, solitary or twin or sometimes in clusters up to four heads; flower-heads globular, deep yellow, 20-30-flowered; peduncles glabrous, 5-10 mm long; flowers 5-merous.

Legumes 5-7 cm long, c. 5 mm broad, curved and finally twisted, swollen and raised over seeds, dark brown, margins light brown, slightly constricted between seeds, apex acute. Seeds longitudinal in legume, ellipsoid; funicle with 2-3 folds and terminating into a whitish fleshy aril.