Tall shrubs or small tree 3-5 m high with a single main trunk or branching into a few main stems at or near ground level developing a dense and intricate mid-green crown; branchlets sometimes ending in a spine, almost terete, finely striate, light green, more or less scurfy, sprinkled with short hairs but becoming glabrous on older branches; trunk with a rough fibrous deeply fissured grey bark; spreading by suckering.

Phyllodes acicular, 3-6 cm long, 1-1.5mm diam., rigid, erect, straight or curved, minutely pubescent, 4 veined in all, a prominent light brownish orbicular gland often with a raised rim situated just above the articulate base of the phyllode, a second gland situated at apex of phyllode at base of apical point. Stipules numerous, paired, spreading, rigid, spinescent, 3-8 mm long, yellowish green at base, the upper two thirds abruptly changing to reddish-brown.

Inflorescences simple and axillary solitary; flower-heads yellow c. 40-flowered, appears to be rather sparsely flowering; peduncles 10-15 mm long, puberulous; flowers 5-merous.

Legumes narrowly oblong, to 4 cm long and 14 mm wide, papery, light brown, glabrous, finely and openly reticulate. Seeds (immature) seemingly transverse with a filiform straight funicle.