Spreading tree to 10 m, branchlets pubescent when young; stipular spines to 5 cm long, white, straight, not always present on all shoots.

Leaves bipinnate, the axis 3-6cm long with inconspicuous petiolar gland; pinnae commonly 1-5 pairs, leaflets 10-25 pairs 3-6 mm long, 0.5-1.5 mm wide, more or less glabrous.

Inflorescence a cluster of 2-6 pubescent axillary peduncles 1.5-2 cm long with a bract about mid point. Flowers showy, golden, 5-partite.

Legume 6-20 cm long, stipitate, flattened, constricted between seeds to almost orbicular units, sticky inside, densely white-tomentose outside. Seeds discoidal 7-9 mm diameter, areole large, circular.