Erect, glabrous, bushy shrubs 1-2 m high; branchlets acutely angular, reddish.

Phyllodes variable in shape, linear-lanceolate, oblanceolate, obliquely ovate or more or less elliptical, 2-10 cm long, 4-30 mm broad, flat, coriaceous, glabrous, 1 prominent vein and thickened pale yellowish vein-like margins, apex acute often mucronate; glands conspicuous reddish-brown on upper margin below the middle of the phyllodes, young phyllodes often with a conspicuous reddish tinge.

Inflorescences in axillary glabrous racemes about as long as, or occasionally, longer than phyllodes; flower-heads more or less globular, pale yellow, 2-4-flowered, and at first covered with broad brown bracts; peduncles glabrous, 4-8 mm long; flowers 4-merous.

Legumes linear, 4-7 cm long, c. 4 mm broad, thick, woody, curved; margins thickened, light brown, not constricted. Seeds longitudinal in legume; funicle short, arillate.