A prostrate or mounded shrub to 1 m tall, branchlets angular with a distinct rib descending from the base of each phyllode, glabrous or with a few minute hairs in phyllode axils. Stipules to 1 mm long, minute, narrow triangular.

Phyllodes 2-4 cm long, 1.5 mm wide, linear, glabrous, irregularly 5-angled, upper margin of phyllode (bearing gland) flattened between two veins, two marginal veins and lower margin with a single vein; one report states grey-green, apex acute, pungent, glands inconspicuous about 1/3 along the length of the phyllode.

Inflorescence a very short axillary raceme bearing 1-3 globular heads of flowers; peduncles about half the length of the phyllode; flower-heads about 5 mm diameter, about 20-30-flowered, yellow, flowers 5-merous.

Legumes not seen.