Erect, bushy shrubs or small trees 2-5 m high, crown spreading, usually dividing into a few main stems near ground level; branchlets slightly angular becoming terete, greenish-yellow to reddish-brown, often pruinose. In the North-Western region often found forming small suckering colonies.

Phyllodes variable, linear-oblong to linear-lanceolate, 6-18 cm long, 2-7 mm broad, straight, curved or falcate, flat, coriaceous, pale-green to glaucous, mid-vein prominent, margins yellowish vein-like, lateral veins rather obscure; apex obtuse but with a small recurved point, a small gland below the point, a second rather obscure gland at the base of phyllode just above the short wrinkled pulvinus.

Inflorescences in axillary glabrous racemes shorter than phyllodes usually consisting of 3-7 heads; flower-heads globular, bright yellow, 35-45-flowered; peduncles glabrous, slender, 4-8 mm long; flowers 5-merous (sepals free).

Legumes narrowly oblong, 5-7 cm long, 8-10 mm broad, flat but raised over the seeds showing their outline, chartaceous, light brown; margins straight or slightly constricted. Seeds transverse in legume almost orbicular, black; funicle short with 1-3 folds not thickened into an aril.