Small, rigid, spreading, procumbent shrubs 0.75-1.5 m high and usually wider than its height; branchlets hoary-pubescent slightly angular greyish-brown; bark grey fissured at base.

Phyllodes obliquely ovate-orbicular or obovate 8-20 mm long, 5-15 mm broad, flat, rigid, grey-green, hoary-pubescent when young, 1-veined, ending in a hard curved pungent mucro, margins prominent and yellowish, vein-like; glands on upper margin below middle of the phyllode.

Inflorescences simple and axillary, solitary or twin; flower-heads globular 25-35-flowered; peduncles slender glabrous 8-12 mm long; flowers 5-merous.

Legumes linear but curved or loosely coiled, 3-6 cm long, 2-3 mm broad, dark brown, biconvex, margins slightly contracted between seeds. Seeds longitudinal in legume; funicle short ending with a large fleshy bright-yellow conical aril which is at least half the size of the seed and often broader.