Erect, compact, rounded spreading, resinous shrubs l-2mhigh, branching near ground level into a number of ascending stems; branchlets terete, resinous and sprinkled with a few short fine white hairs; phyllode bases conspicuous on the stems; bark grey-brown and slightly fissured.

Phyllodes terete or subterete, 1.5-3.5 cm long, c. 1 mm diam., straight or slightly curved, spreading erect, viscid, 5-6 longitudinal resinous veins and furrows in all, apex obtuse with scarcely any point, usually with a small oblique gland.

Inflorescences simple and axillary, solitary or twin; flower-heads 25-30-flowered; peduncles thin, 4-8 mm long glabrous, viscid; flowers 5-merous. Legumes linear, 2.514.5 cm long 2-3 mm broad, curved or slightly twisted, biconvex, viscid, pustulate, brown, contracted and acute at both ends, margins vein-like, yellowish, scarcely constricted between seeds. Seeds longitudinal in legume; funicle with 2-3 folds under a large fleshy whitish aril.