Bushy, spreading, green or greenish-yellow shrubs 0.5-1.75 m high and often the same or more across; branches almost terete but rough due to prominent phyllode bases, sometimes slightly resinous pubescent with short white curly hairs especially on young branchlets.

Phyllodes narrow-linear, 7-15 mm long, 1-3 mm broad, erect, thick, sparsely pubescent, attenuated at the base, a resinous vein close to and parallel with lower margin, apex acute; glands small, 1-2 mm from base.

Inflorescences simple and axillary, solitary or twin; flower-heads globular, yellow, 10-15-flowered; peduncles slender, glabrous, about as long as phyllodes; flowers 5-merous.

Legumes linear but curved and twisted, 2-3 cm long, 2-3 mm broad, flattish but raised over the seeds, scabrous and somewhat resinous; margins slightly thickened, yellowish; Seeds longitudinal in legume, obloid; funicle short, thickening into a conical aril.