Tall, glabrous, spreading, dull grey-green shrubs 2-4 m high with several stems from the base; branchlets angular, becoming terete, smooth; bark grey slightly furrowed.

Phyllodes oblong-lanceolate, 3-7 cm long, 4-12 mm broad, slightly curved, flat, coriaceous, glabrous, viscid when young, numerous fine parallel longitudinal veins sometimes 1-3 slightly more prominent than the rest, apex obtuse with a very short oblique point; glands basal.

Inflorescences simple, 1-2 per axil; spikes rather dense, mid-yellow, 1-2 cm long; peduncles glabrous, 5-12 mm long; flowers 5-merous.

Legumes oblong, 3-5 cm long, 10-15 mm broad, flat, firmly chartaceous, glabrous or glutinous, transversely veined, brown. Seeds transverse in legume; funicle with a few folds under a small aril.