A shrub 2-3 m high. Branchlets slightl yangular, glabrous, usually markedly reddish-brown.

Phyllodes 5-15 cm long, 0.7-1.6 cm wide, elliptic, straight or slightly curved, glabrous, sometimes pruinose, mid-vein prominent often eccentric, lateral veins evident and at an acute angle, base narrowly cuneate, apex acute to acuminate. Gland on upper edge just above pulvinus.

Inflorescences of axillary racemes mostly shorter than the phyllode, rarely reduced to a single peduncle. Peduncles 2-6 mm long. Flower-heads globular 20-30-flowered, 5-6mm diameter, golden yellow.

Legumes to 15 cm long, 5-8 mm wide more or less linear, raised over the seeds and constricted between them, reddish-brown. Seeds not seen, apparently longitudinal.