Medium-sized, glabrous shrubs 2-3 m high, usually dividing into a number of obliquely ascending stems from near the base and forming a quite dense umbrella-like spreading canopy; branchlets angular, smooth and reddish-brown; bark greyish, slightly fissured near the base.

Phyllodes obliquely-lanceolate, 7-14 cm long, 5-25 mm broad, falcate, gradually tapering into a long acuminate curved point, 1-major vein eccentric, usually closer to the lower margin with which it is confluent for a short distance at the base, numerous fine reticulate lateral veins which are often obscure due to the scurfy covering on the surface of the phyllodes; glands small but obvious, depressed, situated on the upper margin, 5-10 mm from the base, sometimes a small second gland further along the margin.

Inflorescences axillary and solitary or up to 10 heads in axillary racemes shorter than phyllodes; flower-heads large, pale yellow, 40-60-flowered; peduncles slender, glabrous, 8-15 mm long; flowers 5-merous.

Legumes linear, 10-25 cm long, 10-15 mm broad, straight or curved, coriaceous, thick, surface undulate somewhat rugose and raised over seeds, dark brown, stipitate, apex acute, margins thickened slightly constricted between seeds. Seeds longitudinal in legume, broadly ovoid; funicle slender, in a double fold encircling the seed and thickened into a small white aril.