Rounded shrubs or small, straggly trees 3-5 m high, often as many as six main stems branching from the base and developing a spreading, bushy canopy, often wider than high; branchlets angular with a dense, silvery-grey pubescence; bark grey-black, thick, rough and fissured on main stems.

Phyllodes linear lanceolate often falcate, 5-11 cm long, 4-7 mm broad, coriaceous, dull green with silvery appressed hairs, young shoots silky golden or bronze coloured, many obscure parallel longitudinal veins, 1-3 more prominent, apex more or less uncinate; glands small, basal.

Inflorescences in axillary racemes much shorter than phyllodes, raceme axis densely appressed pubescent with 2-4 heads (sometimes solitary) extending and forming a repetition of phyllodes and peduncles; flower-heads globular, yellow, 30-40flowered; peduncles stout, pubescent, 3-7 mm long; flowers 5-merous (sepals free).

Legumes narrowly oblong, 5-12 cm long, c. 6 mm broad, straight or curved, thick, woody, raised and wrinkled over the seeds, hoary, margins slightly thickened, constricted. Seeds longitudinal in legume, ellipsoid; funicle filiform, short, usually with 1-2 folds and thickened into a pale yellowish fleshy aril at the end of the seed.