Straggly or erect, compact, bushy shrubs 1-3 m high, often with a spread greater than its height, branching near ground level; branchlets smooth, reddish-brown and slightly glaucous.

Phyllodes narrow-elliptic, 7-17 cm long, 6-22 mm broad, straight or falcate, coriaceous, thick, 1-veined and with similar prominent margins and a number of obscure reticulate lateral veins, apex acute or obtuse and often with a short oblique mucro, attenuated towards the base; glands small 2-4 scattered along upper margin.

Inflorescences in axillary racemes much shorter than phyllodes; flower-heads large, globular, deep yellow, 55-70-flowered; peduncles short, thick, slightly tomentose; flowers 5-merous.

Legumes linear, 7-11 cm long, 5-6 mm broad, flat, but raised over the seeds glaucous, dark brown, margins thickened, slightly constricted between the seeds. Seeds longitudinal in legume; funicle short, soon thickening into a fleshy aril.