Small, erect, wispy trees 3-8 m high, cobwebby in appearance; trunks slender, 4-7 cm diam., solitary or dividing at about 1 m above ground level into two main branches; branches flexuose towards their apices; bark smooth, grey but becoming reddish-brown on young branchlets.

Phyllodes slender, 18-35 cm or sometimes to 69 cm long, 1-1.8 mm diam., pendulous, terete, but becoming almost tetragonous when dry, obscurely 4-veined, glabrous light green or sometimes scurfy, tapered at apex into non-pungent often recurved points; glands small, orbicular situated near phyllode base.

Inflorescences in axillary racemes which become paniculate at ends of branchlets due to phyllode reduction, racemes with 5-9 sparsely arranged heads; flower-heads globular, yellow, compact, 50-70-flowered; flowers 5-merous.

Legumes stipitate, linear, straight or slightly curved, 6-14.5 cm long, 4-6 mm broad, coriaceous, undulate, glabrous, olive green, becoming brown when mature; margins prominent vein-like somewhat contracted between the seeds. Seeds longitudinal or slightly oblique in legume; funicle slender extending ca. 3/4 the distance round the seed and terminating in a clavate aril.