Shrubs 1-2m tall, spreading 5m with angled branchlets. New growth only sparingly invested with red resin-hairs.

Phyllode blades linear or linear-oblanceolate, tip curved, acute, blades 18-48 mm long, 1-3.5 mm wide, 1:w = 8-15 (25), patent to erect, straight to slightly curved, bright mid-green, subglaucous; veins and stomata more or less distinct. Peduncles to 5.5 mm long, appressed puberulous with mixture of red resin hairs and white non-resin hairs; heads 11-18-flowered. Sepals 1/4- 1/3 as long as petals, free or rarely connate basally.

Legumes linear, raised over and slightly constricted between seeds, to 3 mm wide, straight to shallowly curved, glabrous. Seeds broadly oval, 3 mm long, 2.2 mm wide, dark-brown, the aril subapical, cream-coloured, consisting of a thin tissue closely appressed to seed.