Trees or shrubs; leaves bipinnate or reduced to phyllodes, rarely absent; stipules 2, situated at base of phyllodes, caducous or persistent, small, scarious or sometimes spiny.

Inflorescences pedunculate, or sessile, globose heads, cylindric spikes or racemes, axillary and solitary or fasciculate or paniculate at the ends of the branches; flowers small, numerous in the heads, regular, normally hermaphrodite, bright golden-yellow to pale creamy white; sepals and petals 4 or 5, free or united; stamens numerous, exserted, free, inserted under or just above base of ovary; style filiform, exceeding the stamens; ovary sessile or stipitate, glabrous or puberulous, ovules numerous; bracteoles subtending each flower small, brownish, spathulate or peltate, claws linear.

Fruits legumes, linear to oblong, flat to terete, straight to curved or spirally twisted, chartaceous to woody, usually dehiscent; seeds oblong, almost orbicular or compressed-ovate, longitudinal or transverse in legume with a filiform funicle variously folded or encircling the seed and forming an aril.