Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia Genus Fact Sheet

Genus BALLIA Harvey 1840: 191, pl. ix.

Phylum Rhodophyta – Order Ceramiales – Family Ceramiaceae – Tribe Pterothamnieae

Thallus erect, several to many cm high, much branched more or less complanately, lower axes corticated with rhizoids; holdfast rhizoidal, epilithic. Axial cells relatively large, with small or large (depending on the species) apical cells, with prominent umbonate pit-connections; each axial cell with two or three whorl-branchlets, usually one major and 2 minor and often pinnate in form, sometimes the pinnules themselves pinnate; basal cells of whorl-branchlets similar in size to upper cells and bearing pinnules; gland cells absent. Lateral branches developing in place of whorl-branchlets. Cells uninucleate.

Reproduction: Gametophytes (unknown in type species) dioecious. In B. mariana and B. ballioides, carpogonial branches borne on the basal (= supporting) cells of successive major whorl-branchlets, with the auxiliary cell forming 3–4-celled branches and the second cell fusing with the fertilized carpogonium; one or more gonimolobes develop and the carposporophyte is enveloped by 2 branched involucral branches from the basal (supporting) cell and one from the whorl-branchlet. Spermatangia terminal on special branches on cells of the pinnules.

Tetrasporangia terminal on special branch systems on the basal cells of pinnae, decussately divided.

Type species: B. brunonia Harvey 1840: 191 [= B. callitricha (C. Agardh) Kützing].

Taxonomic notes: A genus of 6 species, 4 from Australia and two [B. sertularioides (Suhr) Papenfuss and B. beckeri Schmitz] from South Africa. Two previous Australian species are now referred to Camontagnea, C. oxyclada and C. hirsuta (see Womersley 1994, pp. 73–76).


HARVEY, W.H. (1840). Description of Ballia, a new genus of algae. Lond. J. Bot. 2, 190–193, Plate 60.

WOMERSLEY, H.B.S. (1994). The Marine Benthic Flora of southern Australia. Rhodophyta — Part IIIA. (ABRS: Canberra.)

The Marine Benthic Flora of Southern Australia Part IIIC complete list of references.

Author: H.B.S. Womersley & E.M. Wollaston

Publication: Womersley, H.B.S. (24 December, 1998)
The Marine Benthic Flora of Southern Australia
Rhodophyta. Part IIIC. Ceramiales – Ceramiaceae, Dasyaceae
©State Herbarium of South Australia, Government of South Australia


1. Whorl-branchlets in opposite pairs (in 3s in the tristichous form of B. callitricha) from each axial cell and usually about equal in length


1. Whorl-branchlets in whorls of 3 from each axial cell, each whorl composed of 1 long branchlet opposite a pair of short branchlets


2. Pinnules branched with opposite pairs of simple branches. Short branches, arising from basal cells of pinnae, always branched

B. callitricha

2. Pinnules, and short branches arising from basal cells of pinnae, always simple and unbranched

B. pennoides

3. Pinnules of pinna-like whorl-branchlets in whorls of 3 from each cell of the rachis and arranged in longitudinal rows (2 above and 1 below); pinnules usually alternately branched

B. mariana

3. Pinnules of pinna-like whorl-branchlets distichous in opposite pairs from each cell of the rachis; each pinnule bearing pairs of simple, opposite branches

B. ballioides

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