Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia Family Fact Sheet


Phylum Phaeophyta – Order Desmarestiales

Thallus (sporophyte) slender, terete, mainly with long, opposite branches, with trichothallic growth of apical filaments, becoming corticated below by rhizoidal filaments and developing a large-celled, pseudoparenchymatous medulla and small-celled cortex bearing whorls of four determinate, filamentous, fasicles. Gametophyte microscopic, filamentous.

Reproduction: Sporangia formed in moniliform chains as branches of the fascicles of filaments borne on the cortex.

Taxonomic notes: A monotypic family confined largely to the North Atlantic and Mediterranean.

References: The Marine Benthic Flora of Southern Australia Part II

Author: H.B.S. Womersley

Publication: Womersley, H.B.S. (14 December, 1987)
The Marine Benthic Flora of Southern Australia
Part II
©Board of the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium, Government of South Australia

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