Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Scrophulariaceae

Citation: F.W. Schmidt, Neue selt. Pflanzen 11 (1793).

Derivation: After Adam Zaluziansky, 1555-1613, a Polish doctor, in recognition of his little-known service to botany.

Synonymy: Zaluzianskia Benth. in Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 2:944 (1876), orthographic variant.

Common name: None

Annual or (outside Aust.) perennial herbs or undershrubs, more or less viscid; bracts usually entire, fused to the calyx or (outside Aust.) appressed to it, rarely free.

Flowers in terminal rarely axillary spikes; sepals 5, fused to a varying extent into a tube divided into 3-lobed and 2-lobed lips or segments; corolla persistent, with the tube usually greatly exceeding the calyx, with 5 entire or 2-fid, short, equal or unequal lobes; stamens 4, in pairs of unequal length, rarely (outside Aust.) 2 by abortion of the posterior pair, the posterior pair of anthers vertical, the anterior pair horizontal, smaller or sterile; style filiform, entire.

Distribution:  Over 30 species native to southern Africa, with an outlier in the tropical east African mountains; 1 species introduced to southern Australia.

Biology: No text

Author: Not yet available

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