Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Plantaginaceae

Citation: Raf., Autik. Bot. 158 (1840).

Derivation: A classical Greek plant name, cited in the Vienna Code of Dioscorides herbal "Medicus Graecus" as a synonym of okimoeides, Silene gallica, but to which plant it was referred in the work seen by Rafinesque is unknown.

Synonymy: Antirrhinum sensu J. Black, Fl. S. Aust. 764 (1957), auct. non L., Sp. Pl. 612 (1753), partly.

Common name: None

Annual herbs; leaves opposite below, simple in the upper parts, subsessile, narrow, entire, pinnately veined.

Flowers in terminal bracteate racemes; sepals unequal, longer than the corolla tube; corolla 2-lipped, at the base swollen into a pouch on the lower side, the upper lip 2-lobed, the lower lip 3-lobed, with at its base a prominent palate closing the mouth; stamens included; stigma capitate.

Capsule with 2 unequal cells, the narrower upper cell opening by a single apical pore, the lower by 2 pores; seeds many, flat but thick, with one face smooth, narrowly winged, the other with a thick undulate minutely papillose rim, surrounding a hollow sometimes with' a central ridge or row of a few tubercles.

Distribution:  3 species in the Mediterranean region.

Biology: No text

Taxonomic notes: Antirrhinum L., snapdragons, differs by its perennial habit, more or less equal sepals, and rugosereticulate seeds.

Author: Not yet available

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