Family: Asparagaceae
Lomandra juncea
Ewart, Proc. R. Soc. Vic. 28:220 (1916).
Synonymy: Xerotes juncea F. Muell., J. Trans. Vic. Inst. 1:135 (1855).
Common name: Desert mat-rush.
Rootstock creeping; leaves of 2 types, the outer reduced to brown sheathing bases, the inner terete, rigid, pungent-pointed and 20-50 cm long.
Flowering stems much shorter, not branched, with 3-7 globular heads of flowers enclosing the stem, and usually distant from each other; male flowers shortly pedicellate, each with 2 fringed bracts at the base; perianth c. 5 mm long, funnel-shaped, the outer segments scarious, free, concave, about as long as the 3 inner, which are united in a tube in the lower part; stamens inserted at the base of the 3 white obtuse lobes; female heads globular, 1 or 2 on the stem.
Capsule almost globular, acuminate, smooth, c. 6 mm diam.
S.Aust.: EP, MU, SL, KI, SE. Vic.
Conservation status:
Flowering time: Aug. — Oct.
SA Distribution Map based
on current data relating to
specimens held in the
State Herbarium of South Australia
The inner leaves have previously been interpreted as barren stems but have been shown to be leaves by Stevens (1978), J. Arnold Arbor. 59:137,
Not yet available