Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia species Fact Sheet

Family: Goodeniaceae
Goodenia chambersii

Citation: F. Muell., Fragm. Phyt. Aust. 1:204 (1859).

Synonymy: G. grandiflora Sims var. chambersii (F. Muell.)Krause, Pflanzenr. 54:75 (1912); G. helenae Ising, Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 78:117 (1955).

Common name: None

Shrub to 50 cm high, somewhat viscid; stems erect to ascending, branched, somewhat ridged at first, pubescent; leaves on petioles 1-2.5 cm long, ovate to orbicular, obtuse, 1.5-3 cm long,. 1-3 cm wide, coarsely dentate, pubescent with minute glandular and simple hairs.

Flowers in leafy terminal racemes or thyrses; bracts leaf-like but smaller; peduncle 7-15 mm long, articulate just below the ovary; bracteoles linear, 5-7 mm long, acute, pubescent; sepals lanceolate, 5-6 mm long, pubescent, adnate to the ovary for three-quarters of its length; corolla 18-25 mm long, yellow, pubescent outside, villous inside, with a distinct pocket about one-third the length of the ovary; wings subequal; auricles vestigial; anthers c. 3 mm long; style 12-15 mm long, almost straight, villous at the base; indusium depressed-obovate, c. 2 mm long, c. 5 mm wide, glabrous or subglabrous, with an almost straight orifice beset with long purplish hairs; ovary pubescent; dissepiment two-thirds as long as the ovary with ovules in 2 rows.

Capsule ovoid, c. 12 mm long, c. 4 mm wide, pubescent with a short beak; valves entire or 2-toothed; seeds flat, elliptic, c. 4 mm long, tuberculate, light-brown, with a thickened rim and a narrow wing.

image of FSA3_Goodenia_cha.jpg Habit, flower and seed.
Image source: fig. 630f in Jessop J.P. & Toelken H.R. (Ed.) 1986. Flora of South Australia (4th edn).

Distribution:  On stony slopes and watercourses.

S.Aust.: LE.

Conservation status: native

Flowering time: Aug. — Oct.

SA Distribution Map based
on current data relating to
specimens held in the
State Herbarium of South Australia

Biology: No text

Author: Not yet available

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