Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Geraniaceae

Citation: L., Sp. Pl. 676 (1753).

Derivation: Greek geranos, a crane; the awned mericarp resembling a crane's bill.

Synonymy: Not Applicable

Common name: Geraniums, cranes bills.

Herbs usually with 1 or more thickish basal stems beating large leaves, from which arise sympodially 1 or more leafy flowering stems; cauline leaves opposite or alternate, dissected, lobed or toothed.

Flowers paired or solitary with 4 or 2 bracteoles at the base of the pedicels or along the length of the peduncle; stamens all bearing anthers (or rarely, but not in S. Aust., only 5 fertile); filaments broad, free or connate at the base, with 5 glands alternating with the petals.

Mericarps dehiscing so that the seed is exposed; awn curved or coiled towards the top, glabrous inside; hairs often present at the base of the funicle. 250-300 species mostly temperate but extending onto tropical mountains.

Biology: No text

Key to Species:
1. Surface of the mericarp glabrous and wrinkled
G. molle 2.
1. Surface of the mericarp hirsute to pilose, smooth
2. Awns of the mericarp with conspicuous glandular hairs; seeds pale-brown
G. dissectum 1.
2. Awns of the mericarp with mostly eglandular hairs and sometimes some minute glandular ones; seeds black or dark-brown
3. Flowers mostly paired; bracteoles usually 4; alveolae of the seeds isodiametric (not elongated)
4. Hairs of the pedicel retrorse-appressed in the flowering stage
G. retrorsum 4.
4. Hairs of the pedicel retrorse-reflexed or patent, never appressedin the flowering stage
G. solanderi 5.
3. Flowers solitary; bracteoles 2, alveolae of the seeds elongated
G. potentilloides 3.

Author: Not yet available

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