Family: Geraniaceae
L'Hér. ex Aiton, Hort. Kew. 2:414 (1789).
Derivation: Greek herbdios, a heron; the awned mericarp resembling a heron's bill.
Synonymy: Not Applicable Common name: Storks bills.
Ascending annual or short-lived herbs; leaves opposite, deeply dissected or lobed or compound.
Flowers arranged in cymose umbels, sometimes in pairs, more or less irregular; petals blue or purplish to pink or rarely white; fertile stamens 5, alternating with 5 staminodes.
Mericarps hairy, not releasing the seed, with a spiral awn which has long harsh hairs inside; the awn reacting to changes in atmospheric humidity and reputed to drive the mericarp into the ground.
About 60 species in Europe, Africa and Australia.
No text
Key to Species:
1. Pits on the mericarp at the base of the awns with large glandular hairs |
2. Leaves pinnately compound |
E. moschatum 9. |
2. Leaves lobed or ternate |
3. Leaves ovate, slightly lobed; sepal awn c. 1 mm long |
E. malacoides 8. |
3. Leaves ovate-oblong, deeply lobed to ternate-compound; sepal awn c. 0.5 mm long |
E. aureum 2. |
1. Pits on the mericarp without glandular hairs |
4. Leaves pinnate-compound, the leaflets deeply dissected |
E. cicutarium 5. |
4. Leaves deeply lobed to pinnatisect or ternate |
5. Hairs of the calyx mostly eglandular |
6. Hairs of the calyx not appressed |
E. crinitum 6. |
6. Hairs of the calyx appressed |
7. Lateral lobes of the leaf 4-6, oblong to narrow-oblong; pedicels pubescent |
E. angustilobum 1. |
7. Lateral lobes of the leaf oblong to obovate, only the lowest two cut to the midrib; pedicels glabrous |
E. cygnorum subsp. cygnorum 7a. |
5. Hairs of the calyx glandular |
8. Hairs on the stem coarse and eglandular towards the base; leaves pinnate-lobed or dissected |
9. Pit on the mericarp at the base of the awn hirsute, with an obtuse rim; awn to 8.5 cm long |
E. brachycarpum 4. |
9. Pit on the mericarp at the base of the awn glabrous, with an acute chartaceous rim; awn usually longer than 8.5 cm |
E. botrys 3. |
8. Hairs on the stem glandular; leaves ternately lobed |
E. cygnorum subsp. glandulosum 7b. |
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