Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Rutaceae

Citation: Smith, Trans. Linn. Soc. 4:221 (1798).

Derivation: Greek erion, wool; stemõn, thread or stamen; alluding to the woolly staminal filaments.

Synonymy: Not Applicable

Common name: Wax-flowers.

Shrubs or small trees; branchlets angular or grooved decurrently between the nodes, or terete, occasionally glandular-warty, glabrous or variously hairy; leaves alternate, either with small black stipules or exstipulate, sessile or shortly petiolate; lamina more or less terete to flat, mostly thick, occasionally glandular-warty.

Inflorescence axillary or terminal, in umbel-like clusters or cymes, or flowers solitary; pedicels bracteolate; sepals 5, rarely 4, free; petals 5, rarely 4, free, ovate, elliptic or obovate, mostly white to pink, rarely red, purple to blue; stamens 10, rarely 8, usually incurved around the style; filaments mostly compressed, ciliate, pilose or glabrous; anthers versatile, with apical appendages; locules introrsely and longitudinally dehiscent; disk prominent; gynoecium 5-carpellate; carpels more or less free, 1-celled; ovules 2 per carpel; style inserted about the middle of the adaxial margins of the carpels; stigma capitate or shallowly 5-lobed.

Fruit of 1-5 erect to spreading cocci, dehiscing explosively along the adaxial and the apical margins; exocarp coriaceous or woody, mostly apically beaked; endocarp cartilaginous and responsible for seed expulsion, ejected with the seed; seeds 1, rarely 2, per coccus, more or less reniform, smooth to ornamented; outer testa thin, inner thick.

Distribution:  32 species endemic in southern and eastern Australia; 5 species in S.Aust.

Biology: No text

Key to Species:
1. Leaves with small black stipules
2. Flowers axillary, solitary
E. linearis 3.
2. Flowers terminal, mostly in umbel-like clusters, sometimes solitary
3. Petals 5-9 mm long
E. angustifolius 1.
3. Petals 4-5 mm long
E. difformis 2.
1. Leaves lacking stipules
4. Leaf apex obcordate; branchlets prominently glandular-warty, glabrous
E. verrucosus 5.
4. Leaf apex acute; branchlets not glandular-warty, setose
E. pungens 4.

Author: Not yet available

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