Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Rutaceae

Citation: Swingle, J. Agric. Res. 2:86 (1914).

Derivation: Greek eremos, solitary, of the desert; Latin citrus, citron tree.

Synonymy: Not Applicable

Common name: None

Tangled spiny shrubs or small trees to 7 m; branchlets green and photosynthetic, bearing numerous straight or curved spines adjacent to buds in the leaf axils; leaves (often absent) alternate, exstipulate, simple, petiolate.

Inflorescences axillary, 1-3-flowered; peduncle minute, bearing a pair of persistent bracts; flowers bisexual; calyx lobes 3-5, imbricate; petals 3-5, free, imbricate; stamens 10-15, free, not exceeding the petals; filaments glabrous, dilated at the base; anthers without terminal appendages, dorsifixed and more or less versatile, introrsely and longitudinally dehiscent; disk ring-like and prominent; gynoecium 3-5-carpellate; carpels fused; ovules 2 per cell; style solitary, inserted at the apex of the ovary, glabrous; stigma capitate.

Fruit an indehiscent globular berry; exocarp thin, with numerous oil-glands; mesocarp containing sessile or stalked pulp-vesicles filled with juicy tissue; seeds usually 3-5 per fruit, obovoid, slightly compressed, lacking endosperm; testa coriaceous.

Distribution:  An endemic Australian genus consisting of a single species.

Biology: No text

Author: Not yet available

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