Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia species Fact Sheet

Dissocarpus biflorus

Citation: F. Muell., J. Trans. Vict. Inst. 2:75 (1858).

Synonymy: Sclerolaena biflora R. Br., Prod. Fl. Nov. Holl. 410 (1810); Bassia biflora (R. Br.)F. Muell., Syst. Census Aust. Pl. 1:30 (1882).

Common name: None

Perennial c. 25 cm high; branches woolly; leaves slender, semiterete, 5-10 mm long, woolly.

Flowers 2 or 3 (in S. Aust.), united into a small woolly ball.

Fruiting perianths united in their lower half into a globular to slightly cylindrical thick-walled woody infructescence 6-10 mm diam. and deciduous as a whole; base rounded, deeply concave; covered in a woolly or villous indumentum; upper half of the perianths cylindrical, c. 3 mm long including the 5 incurved lobes, woody; spines absent or if present arising from and resembling the perianth lobes; infructescence freely shed when mature.

Conservation status: native

Flowering time: No flowering time is available

SA Distribution Map based
on current data relating to
specimens held in the
State Herbarium of South Australia

Biology: No text

Key to Infraspecific taxa:
1. Fruiting perianth woolly
var. biflorus 1a.
1. Fruiting perianth covered with long villous hairs
var. villosus 1b.

Author: Not yet available

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State Herbarium of South Australia
Government of South Australia Government of South Australia Government of South Australia Department for Environment and Water