Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Convolvulaceae

Citation: Forster & Forster f., Char. Gen. Pl. 39, t. 20 (1776).

Derivation: Greek di, two; chondros, a grain; referring to the structure of the fruit.

Synonymy: Not Applicable

Common name: None

Perennial herbs with creeping stems, hairs 2-branched; leaves entire.

Inflorescence axillary; flowers solitary, bracteolate; sepals 5, more or less free; corolla campanulate, deeply 5-lobed, induplicate-valvate or slightly imbricate, lacking distinct mid-petaline bands; stamens 5, filaments glabrous; pollen smooth; ovary deeply 2-lobed, each lobe with 2 ovules; styles 2, gynobasic, with capitate stigmas.

Capsule 2-lobed, indehiscent or 2-valved; seeds usually 1 per lobe, glabrous.

Distribution:  Pantropical to warm temperate genus of c. 5 species, 2 native to Australia.

Biology: No text

Author: Not yet available

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