Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia infraspecific Fact Sheet

Family: Orchidaceae
Caladenia dilatata var. stricta

Citation: R. Bates, Journ. N.O.S.S.A. 8, 3:23 (1984).

Synonymy: Not Applicable

Common name: None

Stem 10-30 cm high; leaf slightly hairy, rigid, red tinted below, elliptical or lanceolate, to 15 mm wide.

Flower on a rigid stem, usually single, green, yellow and maroon; dorsal sepal 2-4 cm, rigid, lower half dilated then contracted into a non-clavate narrow apex, lateral sepals rigidly spreading, 2-4 cm, at first broad then contracted into narrow acute non-clubbed tips; petals rigid, short; labellum thick, the margins deeply serrate or toothed; calli pyriform, maroon, often yellow towards the base, densely massed in 4-6 obscure rows often extending well beyond the bend.

Published illustration: Pocock (1972) Ground orchids of Australia, pl. 41 as C. toxochila.

Distribution:  Mainly in limestone areas near the coast but also on granite outcrops or sandplains inland but not in mountainous regions.

  Recorded only in S.Aust. but probably also in western Vic.

Flowering time: late Sept. — Oct.

Biology: It is often sympatric with var. dilatata which flowers earlier.

Author: Not yet available

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