Family: Zygophyllaceae
Zygophyllum crenatum
F. Muell., Linnaea 25:374 (1853).
Synonymy: Z. glaucescens F. Muell. var. lobulatum Benth., Fl. Aust. 1:293 (1863).
Common name: Lobed (or notched) twinleaf
Annual with rather stout procumbent or ascending branches; leaflets narrow-oblong to narrow-obovate, obliquely cuneate, 1-2 cm long, with 3 blunt teeth at the apex.
sepals 4; petals 4, obovate, 7-9 mm long, about twice as long as the sepals, bright-yellow; stamens 8; filaments winged in the lower part; wings fringed at the apex; disk short, sinuate.
capsule ovoid-oblong, 15-20 mm long, 4-angled, loculicidal, drooping; seeds 3-8 in each cell.
| Zygophyllum crenatum fruit and leaf.
Image source: fig 393g in Jessop J.P. & Toelken H.R. (Ed.) 1986. Flora of South Australia (4th edn).
Published illustration:
Cunningham et al. (1982) Plants of western New South Wales, p. 440, fig. 53e.
Stony brown clay.
N.T.; N.S.W.; Vic.
Conservation status:
Flowering time: Aug. — Oct.
SA Distribution Map based
on current data relating to
specimens held in the
State Herbarium of South Australia
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