Family: Poaceae
Triodia scariosa
N. Burb., Aust. J. Bot. 1:173 (1953).
Synonymy: Triodia bunicola, Triodia irritans, Triodia scariosa Common name: None
Forming hemispherical or flat-topped tussocks, which may become ring-like or crescentic when old; leaf blades and sheaths glabrous.
Panicle narrow but loose, 12-30 cm long; spikelets 4-9-flowered, linear or lanceolate, 9-16 mm long, lax; glumes scarious, 5-8 mm long, 3-5-nerved; lemmas 5-8 mm long, villous at the base, ciliolate, apex emarginate often with a minute mucro, with apparently 3 nerves of which the laterals form a ridge close to the margin in the upper half.
Published illustration:
Burbidge (1953) Aust. J. Bot. 1:fig. 16b-d.
S.Aust.: NW, LE, NU, FR, EA, EP, NL, MU, YP, SL, SE. W.Aust.; N.S.W.; Vic.
Conservation status:
Flowering time: Sept. — Oct.
SA Distribution Map based
on current data relating to
specimens held in the
State Herbarium of South Australia
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