Family: Juncaginaceae
L., Sp. Pl. 338 (1753).
Derivation: Greek treis, three; glochis, a point, alluding to the points of the carpels.
Synonymy: Not Applicable Common name: Arrowgrasses.
Annuals or perennials, occurring in areas periodically or permanently marshy (fresh or salt).
No bulbous species occur in Australia.
Taxonomic notes:
Rauschert (1974) Reprium nov. Spec. Regni veg. 85:654 is followed in treating Triglochin as neuter. As flowers are rarely collected and fruits are needed for identification, fruiting times are given.
Key to Species:
1. Aquatic freshwater perennials, with thick rhizomes (c. 8 mm); leaves to 2 m long; fertile carpels (in S.Aust.) usually 6; fruits c. 10 mm long |
T. procerum 7. |
1. Annuals or perennials of marshy places; leaves to 30 cm long; fertile carpels 3 |
2. Carpels 3, all fertile; fruits c. 4 mm long, conical at the apex |
T. turriferum 10. |
2. Carpels 6, 3 fertile alternating with 3 sterile |
3. Fruit without hooks, spurs or wings |
4. Perennials with fine (c. 1 mm thick) rhizomes; sterile carpels conspicuous |
T. striatum 8. |
4. Annuals; sterile carpels not well developed |
5. Racemes loose; fruit c. 2 mm long |
T. muelleri 5. |
5. Racemes dense; fruit c. 1 mm long |
T. ovoideum 6. |
3. Fruit with wings, spurs or hooks |
6. Fertile carpels each with 2 papery wings (so fruit has 6 wings) |
T. hexagonum 3. |
6. Fertile carpels without wings, but with hooks or spurs |
7. Fertile carpels with conspicuous spreading tips, bases with-out hooks or spurs |
T. mucronatum 4. |
7. Fertile carpels with minute erect tips, bases with hooks or spurs |
8. Fruits 5-6 mm long, basal spurs conspicuous and strongly recurved |
T. calcitrapum 1. |
8. Fruits 2-5 mm long, basal spurs short, either spreading or deflexed |
9. Fruit pyramidal, 3-5 mm long |
T. centrocarpum 2. |
9. Fruit subellipsoid, 2-2.5 mm long |
T. trichophorum 9. |
Not yet available