Family: Poaceae
Sporobolus virginicus
Kunth, Rev. Gram. 67 (1829).
Synonymy: Agrostis virginica L., Sp. Pl. 63 (1753).
, Sporobolus virginicus Common name: Salt couch.
Stems leafy, ascending from a thick creeping perennial scaly rhizome; leaves more or less spreading, rigid, inrolled-subulate, almost distichous (appearing opposite owing to the alternate long and short nodes); ligule very short, ciliate.
Panicle spike-like, lead-coloured, rarely pale, 1-6 cm long, 4-6 mm broad; glumes unequal, keeled, the first c. 2 mm long, the second c. 3 mm long; lemma similar to and about as long as the 84nd; the 2 nerves of the palea very close together.
Published illustration:
Gardner (1952) Flora of Western Australia 1:pl. 48a.
Usually grows in salt marshes and on sand hills near the coasts, but also in areas of high salinity inland.
S.Aust.: LE, NU, FR, EP, NL, MU, YP, SL, KI, SE. All mainland States. Occurs in all temperate continents.
Conservation status:
Flowering time: throughout the year.
SA Distribution Map based
on current data relating to
specimens held in the
State Herbarium of South Australia
Two varieties were recognised for S.Aust. by Simon (1978) Tech. Bull. Bot. Br. Qld 3. Var. minor Bailey ex B. Simon, Austrobaileya 2:22 (1984) differs from the typical variety in having leaves up to 1 mm broad. Their distribution within S.Aust. is not available.
Not yet available