Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia species Fact Sheet

Family: Cyperaceae
Schoenus sculptus

Citation: Boeckeler, Linnaea 38:286 (1874).

Synonymy: Elynanthus sculptus Nees in Lehm., Pl. Preiss. 2:78 (1846).

Common name: Gimlet bog-rush.

Small annual, 3-20 cm high, with tufted rather slender erect or curved compressible striate stems; leaves shorter than the stems, almost setaceous, channelled or the lower ones reduced to the sheaths.

inflorescence racemose, to 7 cm long; bracts usually 2-4, distant, leaf-like, the lowest much longer than the raceme, the upper gradually shorter, each with 1-3 sessile or nearly sessile spikelets in its axil; spikelets lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, brownish to purplish, 5-7 mm long, 2-4-flowered; glumes glabrous but often with more or less scabrous keels, the first usually empty; bristles 2 or 3, minute or absent.

Nut obovoid-pyriform, rostrate, cuneate to the wide base, c. 1.2 x 0.7 mm, trigonous with prominently fibbed angles from the base to the attenuate tip, white, spotted dark, more or less shiny, about two-thirds of the length of the glume.

Distribution:  S.Aust.: EP, KI, SE.   W.Aust.; Vic.

Conservation status: native

Flowering time: July, Oct., Nov.

SA Distribution Map based
on current data relating to
specimens held in the
State Herbarium of South Australia

Biology: No text

Author: Not yet available

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State Herbarium of South Australia
Government of South Australia Government of South Australia Government of South Australia Department for Environment and Water