Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Proteaceae

Citation: R. Br. ex J. Knight, Cult. Proteaceae 92 (1809).

Derivation: Greek, petra, rock; philos, lover.

Synonymy: Not Applicable

Common name: None

Shrubs; leaves rigid, simple or compound, the blade or segments entire, toothed or lobed.

Flowers bisexual, in dense spikes (cones) subtended by empty outer bracts, each flower within a bract (cone scale) larger than the outer bracts, the rhachis usually cylindrical, woolly-tomentose, the bracts and scales persistent, hardening in fruit; perianth regular, tube slender, dividing into 4 linear segments from the base or (outside S. Aust.) remaining united, laminae linear; stamens perfect; anthers 2-celled, free, sessile at the base of the laminae, apiculate by extension of the connective; hypogynous glands or scales absent; ovary sessile, 1-ovulate; style terminal, filiform; pollen-presenter variously dilated at the base continuous with or (outside S. Aust.) narrowed into a usually pubescent zone (brush), the apex narrowed and glabrous.

Fruiting cone with persistent imbricate woody cone scales; fruit a small dry indehiscent nut.

Distribution:  A temperate Australian genus of about 42 species, most diverse in south-west W.Aust.; with Isopogon called cone-bushes.

Biology: No text

Author: Not yet available

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