Family: Malvaceae
Smith, Trans. Linn. Soc. 4:216 (1798).
Derivation: Greek lasios, hairy, shaggy; petalon, leaf or petal; alluding to the hairy calyx.
Synonymy: Not Applicable Common name: Velvet-bushes.
Woody branching evergreen shrubs, densely stellate-hairy on the leaves (at least the lower surface and branches; leaves exstipulate, with pinnate venation, shortly petiolate.
Flowers bisexual, in axillary or terminal dense heads or lax inflorescences, sessile or pedicellate; bracts linear or narrow-lanceolate usually persistent; epicalyx of 1-3 more or less linear shortly fused segments; calyx petaloid, coloured with the 5 lobes longer than the fused part; petals 5, gland- or scale-like, very much shorter than the anthers which they oppose; stamens 5, free, with short filaments and dark-coloured linear-oblong connivent anthers opening by terminal pores; ovary usually 3-celled, with 2 anatropous ovules in each cell, densely hairy; style simple, slender.
Capsule globose, dehiscing loculicidally, shorter than and enclosed by the calyx; seeds usually solitary in each cell, blackish, carunculate, with broad flat cotyledon, and an inferior radicle.
Nearly 40 species; endemic to Australia.
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Key to Species:
1. Flowers in very dense heads, sessile; epicalyx longer than the calyx. |
L. discolor 3. |
1. Flowers in lax or slightly congested groups, distinctly pedicellate; epicalyx usually shorter than the calyx |
2. Style with reflexed hair-clusters; epicalyx of 1-3 segments; leaves lanceolate to broad-ovate |
L. schulzenii 4. |
2. Style glabrous; epicalyx of 3 segments; leaves linear to oblong-lanceolate |
L. behrii 2. |
3. Calyx tomentose inside |
4. Epicalyx about as long as the fused part of the calyx |
L. baueri 1. |
4. Epicalyx about as long as the calyx |
L. x_tepperi 5. |
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