Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Asteraceae

Citation: Less., Syn. Gen. Comp. 203 (1832).

Derivation: A Graeco-Latin name applied to species of Inula in Roman times.

Synonymy: Not Applicable

Common name: Fleabanes.

Erect herbs, more or less pubescent; leaves alternate, radical and cauline, entire or dentate.

Capitula pedunculate in large terminal panicles, heterogamous; involucres hemispherical to ovoid becoming reflexed; bracts linear-lanceolate, subequal, herbaceous with scarious margins, imbricate in 2-4 series; receptacle naked, pitted, flat; outer florets female, numerous in several series, filiform or ligulate; ligules very short, white to pink or absent; disk florets bisexual, few, tubular, usually yellow; anthers obtuse at the base; style branches with triangular or elliptic terminal appendages.

Achenes flattened, with marginal ridges, pubescent; pappus of numerous capillary bristles exceeding the achene.

Distribution:  About 60 species throughout the temperate zones; several species naturalised in Australia, 2 native.

Biology: Conyza species contain an aromatic oil, and have been suspected of causing dermatitis in humans and of tainting milk when grazed by cattle.

Key to Species:
1. Involucral bracts glabrous or with a few scattered hairs; capitula 3-4 mm long
2. Outer florets filiform, ligules absent; involucre ovoid, glabrous
C. bilbaoana 2.
2. Outer florets ligulate, ligules white; involucre cylindrical, with a few hairs
C. canadensis 4.
1. Involucral bracts densely strigose; capitula 4-6 mm long
3. Receptacles 1.5-2 mm diam.; inflorescence pyramidal with a central axis far exceeding the lateral branches; pappus straw-coloured
C. albida 1.
3. Receptacles 2-3 mm diam.; inflorescence with branches often exceeding the central axis; pappus white or pinkish
C. bonariensis 3.

Author: Not yet available

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